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caramelized banana cake

Photo of the caramelized banana cake – recipe of caramelized banana cake on DeliRec
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caramelized banana cake

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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


12 servings

Monique Terra

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Eggs4 unit(s)
  • 1 and a half cup of Sugar to taste
  • 100g butter or margarine or 1/2 cup oil1/2 cup
  • Milk1 cup
  • Cinnamon Powder1 teaspoon
  • Pinch of salt to taste
  • Unleavened Wheat Flour2 cup
  • Chemical Yeast1 tablespoon
  • Sliced Banana4 unit(s)
  • Sugar for the caramel1 cup
  • Room temperature water1/2 cup
  1. Place the caramel sugar over medium heat, stirring until it melts (takes less than 10 minutes) and becomes a caramel (be careful not to burn and become bitter).
  2. Add the water (be careful with the hot steam), stir for a few minutes until you reach a thin thread (falling from the spoon like a constant thread).
  3. Cut bananas and lining the bottom of your shape, throwing that caramel over it.
  4. Place eggs and sugar to beat in a blender or mixer until it changes color (it becomes whitish and increases in volume). - Add milk, oil and cinnamon and beat for another 2 min. - Put wheat and yeast, mix just until it disappears and becomes a smooth dough.
  5. Put it in the mold already with banana and caramel, take it to bake at 180°C for 35 min, in preheated oven.

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