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Coconut and chocolate pavé

Photo of the Coconut and chocolate pavé – recipe of Coconut and chocolate pavé on DeliRec
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Coconut and chocolate pavé


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


8 servings

Cláudia Valéria

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 2 packages of champagne biscuits2 unit(s)
  • Milk200 ml
  • Chocolate powder2 tablespoon
  • Condensed milk1 can(s)
  • Milk same measure of condensed milk1 can(s)
  • grated coconut200 g
  • Corn starch2 tablespoon
  • Sour cream2 can(s)
  • Chocolate powder12 tablespoon
  • White whipped cream box200 ml
  • Chocolate whipped cream box200 ml
  1. For the white cream: Mix the milk (the same measure as the can), the corn starch, the condensed milk and the grated coconut over low heat until it thickens and let it cool.
  2. Soak the champagne biscuit in 200ml of milk mixed with 2 spoons of chocolate. After moistened, line the bottom of the platter.
  3. Add the white cream over the cookies and sprinkle grated coconut
  4. For the chocolate cream: In a pan, place the cream and 12 tablespoons of chocolate milk, stir straight until it thickens over low heat.
  5. Make another layer of moistened champagne biscuit on top of the white cream and add the chocolate cream.
  6. For topping: leave the whipped cream in the fridge for 1 hour and then beat it in a mixer or blender until it takes the form of a cream and cover the pavé half with white whipped cream and the other with chocolate whipped cream and let it freeze

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