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Photo of the cookie pie – recipe of cookie pie on DeliRec
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cookie pie


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Tempo de preparo

6 hour(s)


10 servings

Juliana raquel

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Chocolate Maria Biscuit1 unit(s)
  • Very cold cream1 unit(s)
  • Very cold condensed milk1 can(s)
  • Sour cream / 1 well chilled and the other at room temperature2 can(s)
  • Emussifier for ice cream1 tablespoon
  • Nescau5 tablespoon
  • Strawberry to decorate to taste
  • Milk to dip the wafer1 cup
  1. Beat all ingredients in the mixer until doubled in volume! Yields a lot.
  2. Soak the wafer in the milk.
  3. In a refractory you will intersperse a layer of cream and another of biscuit Until finished!
  4. For cookie pie topping 👇
  5. 1 cream (heated in a bowl, microwave for 40 seconds) Then add nescau until you get the desired point!
  6. If you want you can make a ganache too.
  7. And finally decorate as you like! I used strawberry..
  8. Put it to freeze for at least 4 hours, the ideal would be to leave it in the fridge overnight.

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