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cup of happiness

Photo of the cup of happiness – recipe of cup of happiness on DeliRec
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cup of happiness


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Tempo de preparo

90 min(s)


100 servings

Elaine Aguiar

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Whole milk1200 ml
  • Corn starch8 tablespoon
  • Condensed milk4 can(s)
  • Vanilla essence2 tablespoon
  • Sifted gems8 unit(s)
  • Sour cream2 can(s)
  • Whipped cream1 l
  • Pitaya1 unit(s)
  • Pineapple in syrup1 can(s)
  • Strawberries (trays)2 unit(s)
  • Seedless green grapes250 g
  • Seedless purple grapes250 g
  • Kiwi5 unit(s)
  • Pitted plums200 g
  • Peach in syrup1 can(s)
  1. First, let's prepare the white cream.
  2. Transfer to the blender: the milk, corn starch, sieved yolks, condensed milk and vanilla essence
  3. Whisk everything until smooth.
  4. Transfer to a pan and stir non-stop over low heat until thickened.
  5. After the cream is cold, add 2 boxes of sour cream
  6. Stir well until incorporated
  7. Wash all fruits that will be used well.
  8. Peel the pitaya and kiwi
  9. Cut the strawberries in half and remove the green stem.
  10. Cut the kiwi and pitaya into slices
  11. Cut all the grapes in half
  12. Separate all the fruits and start assembly
  13. In a large glass bowl with a capacity of approximately 5 liters, start by pouring a little white cream.
  14. Place the kiwi slices on the sides of the bottom of the glass, with the white cream underneath serving as a support.
  15. In the middle you can place the other fruits as you prefer (a little grape, a little plum, etc.)
  16. Cover with the white cream and start the next layer with the strawberries on the sides
  17. Continue filling the layers in the middle with the chopped fruit.
  18. Start the next layer the pineapple slices on the sides
  19. To finish, beat the whipped cream (which must be very cold, but not frozen) in a mixer according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  20. Spread the whipped cream over the cream
  21. Finish by decorating your glass with the rest of the fruit as you prefer
  22. Use the contrast of the fruits to make your recipe more beautiful and intersperse the pitaya with the peach and kiwi, leaving a slice of pineapple in the center
  23. This recipe is just wonderful.

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