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Ice Cream with Chocolate Cone

Photo of the Ice Cream with Chocolate Cone – recipe of Ice Cream with Chocolate Cone on DeliRec
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Ice Cream with Chocolate Cone


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Tempo de preparo

0 min(s)


20 servings

Gabriela Barbosa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • milk500 g
  • condensed milk1/2 can(s)
  • coconut milk200 ml
  • packet of shredded coconut1 unit(s)
  • Good quality melted chocolate500 g
  1. In the blender, place the milk, condensed milk, coconut milk and grated coconut;
  2. Beat everything for about 2 minutes; Reserve;
  3. Place the melted chocolate in a pastry bag or in a regular (clean) bag with the tip cut off;
  4. TIP: you can also use one of those ketchup tubes.
  5. Then fill the ice cream bag with the melted chocolate up to approximately 2 fingers. 20 Gourmet Ice Cream Recipes (dindin, ice cream, bagel, cream)
  6. TIP: about 20g of melted chocolate for each ice cream.
  7. Squeeze the ice cream bag, spreading the chocolate, leaving only the part that will tie the knot without chocolate.
  8. TIP: do not leave air bubbles.
  9. Then, place a funnel in the mouth of the ice cream bag and fill it with the liquid that was beaten; 20 Gourmet Ice Cream Recipes (dindin, ice cream, bagel, cream)
  10. TIP: The secret is to do everything really fast; after you add the chocolate and spread it, immediately add the liquid all at once, without pausing.
  11. OBS: that's when the secret happens, the chocolate is on the outside and the liquid on the inside, you can't go wrong!
  12. Tie a knot at the end and place in the freezer or freezer for about 4 hours or until frozen.

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