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nest milk popcorn

Photo of the nest milk popcorn – recipe of nest milk popcorn on DeliRec
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nest milk popcorn


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


10 servings

Vanessa Panont

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Popcorn Corn1 cup
  • Oil1/2 cup
  • Water1 cup
  • Sugar1 cup
  • Milk powder1 cup
  1. Place the oil, water, sugar and popcorn in a large pot and stir well (yes, all together).
  2. Stir over high heat until the popcorn starts to pop (may take about 15 minutes), be careful not to burn yourself when the popcorn pops.
  3. Lower the heat, close the pan and stir occasionally (by shaking the pan) until you hear the popcorn stop popping.
  4. As soon as the popcorn takes longer than 5 seconds to pop, turn off the heat.
  5. When your popcorn is ready, it will be "caramelized" and a little stuck together because of the syrup.
  6. Place the nest milk in a bowl and mix the popcorn with the nest milk well.

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