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Shortbread Biscuit with 3 ingredients

Photo of the Shortbread Biscuit with 3 ingredients – recipe of Shortbread Biscuit with 3 ingredients on DeliRec
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Shortbread Biscuit with 3 ingredients


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


45 servings


  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Butter or margarine6 tablespoon
  • Sugar8 tablespoon
  • Wheat Flour1/2 cup
  • Pinch of salt1 to taste
  1. I put the Butter and the flour in a container and mix it to incorporate it
  2. Add the wheat flour little by little and mix with your hands until it releases from the bowls.
  3. In the second, shape the cookies into a ball and pass the graphic in the middle leaving it a little flattened, put it in a mold (no need to grease it)
  4. Take to preheated oven at 180° around 20 minutes until golden, wait to cool down and help yourself.

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