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Photo of the Fresh cheese – recipe of Fresh cheese on DeliRec
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Fresh cheese


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Tempo de preparo

2 hour(s)


1 servings

Fabiiane Oliveira

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Milk5 l
  • Coagulant1 teaspoon
  • Salt2 dessert spoon
  1. For each liter of raw milk (bag milk or straight from the cow) I will use 1 ml of coagulant and half a spoon of salt. To prepare and just heat the milk (without boiling the milk, if it boils it loses the bacteria and the coagulant does not coagulate) heat it until it is lukewarm like baby wood and mix the salt and the coagulant. Then cover the bowl and let it rest for 35 minutes to 1 hour until it clots. Uncover, make the cuts in the dough and let it rest for another 35 min to 1 hour to drain a little. After the second rest and just pass the dough through the sieve or dish towel pressing to finish removing the whey until it fits In the form of cheese or a 500 gram perforated bowl. Then just accommodate the dough properly pressing it to take shape of cheese. After finishing, place the plate underneath to contain the whey that comes out and leave it in the fridge overnight to firm up.

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