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Healthy Nuggets from Ruts!

Photo of the Healthy Nuggets from Ruts! – recipe of Healthy Nuggets from Ruts! on DeliRec
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Healthy Nuggets from Ruts!


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


20 servings

Renata Moura

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Raw chicken breast500 g
  • Onion powder1 tablespoon
  • Garlic Powder1 tablespoon
  • Smoked paprika to taste
  • Salt1 coffee spoon
  • Egg2 unit(s)
  • Shelled Almond Flour6 tablespoon
  • grated cheese6 tablespoon
  1. Blend in a food processor: chicken breast, garlic and onion powder, smoked paprika, an egg white and salt.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the remaining yolk and the other egg, set aside, as we are going to bread.
  3. In a pot, mix the almond flour and the grated cheese. Add some paprika for color and mix everything together.
  4. Take the beaten chicken and shape it into nuggets with your hands. Dip in egg and then in flour.
  5. Place in medium oven for 20 min. Here at home it took 20 minutes, keep an eye on yours. When it's golden, it's ready!
  6. Good for a healthy snack and you can make sauces to go with it!

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