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chicken with noodles

Photo of the chicken with noodles – recipe of chicken with noodles on DeliRec
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chicken with noodles


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Tempo de preparo

20 min(s)


1 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Chicken, garlic, pasta, wheat flour and breadcrumbs, vinegar and an egg1 unit(s)
  • Chicken3 unit(s)
  1. Add the pasta to a pan (amount of your choice) and add water until the pasta is completely covered.
  2. Check if the noodles are soft after 5 min
  3. Discard all the water and run cold water on the pasta so it doesn't stick together.
  4. In another container two cloves of garlic and add the pasta adding salt to taste
  5. Now take the chicken and let it soak for 5 min with vinegar
  6. Wash the chicken and season with garlic and seasonings of your choice.
  7. Separate three containers (one with egg, one with wheat flour and the other with breadcrumbs)
  8. Dip the chicken in the egg and then in the wheat frarinha. Dip again in egg and then in breadcrumbs.
  9. fry the chicken
  10. Now just serve yourself and enjoy

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