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Roasted kebab

Photo of the Roasted kebab – recipe of Roasted kebab on DeliRec
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Roasted kebab

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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


10 servings

Maíra Covolan

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Ground beef500 g
  • Wheat for kibbeh1 cup
  • Boiling water1 cup
  • Chopped Onion2 tablespoon
  • Mint to taste
  • Syrian pepper1 coffee spoon
  • Salt to taste
  • cream cheese150 g
  • Mozzarella cheese200 g
  • Olive oil to taste
  1. Hydrate the wheat with boiling water and season with the onion, Syrian pepper, mint and salt.
  2. Mix the hydrated wheat with the ground beef.
  3. In a refractory that can go in the oven, eat half the kibbeh, stuff it with cheese and the curd and place the other half of the kibbeh.
  4. Drizzle with olive oil and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

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