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Photo of the CANNELLONIS – recipe of CANNELLONIS on DeliRec
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Tempo de preparo

2 hour(s)


4 servings

Pablo Fernandes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Fresh pastry dough (roll) to taste
  • Ricotta to taste
  • Turkey breast to taste
  • Basil to taste
  • Pomarola to taste
  • White sauce to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Parmesan to taste
  1. Pass the ricotta and turkey breast in the processor and mix.
  2. Sanitize the basil and place the leaves in this mixture. Add oil and salt if needed.
  3. For assembly, place the stuffing all over the side of the roll dough, roll it up tightly, cut this "straw" in half and reserve.
  4. In a container, place the pomarola in the bottom, accommodate the cannelloni in the bottom of the container, cover with white sauce and repeat the assembly.
  5. Put enough sauce to be able to cook the pasta. Place grated parmesan on top and bake for approximately 50 minutes.

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