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Homemade Oven Pastry

Photo of the Homemade Oven Pastry – recipe of Homemade Oven Pastry on DeliRec
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Homemade Oven Pastry


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


6 servings

Débora Nascimento

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat flour2 cup
  • Milk1/2 teaspoon
  • Eggs (one for the dough and one for brushing the pastries)2 unit(s)
  • Butter2 tablespoon
  • Baking powder1 tablespoon
  • Salt1 to taste
  • Stuffing to your liking1 unit(s)
  1. 1-Gather all the ingredients and knead with your hands. 2-Let it rest for a while. Open the dough, make the pastries with the filling of your choice. 3-When closing the pastel, brush egg white on the edges. 4-Brush with egg yolk on top and bake in a moderate oven until golden. 5-The stuffing is at the discretion of each one, it can be chicken with catupiry, pizza, pepperoni with corn, palm heart.

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