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Pasta with chicken and bacon - Gluten-free version

Photo of the Pasta with chicken and bacon - Gluten-free version – recipe of Pasta with chicken and bacon - Gluten-free version on DeliRec
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Pasta with chicken and bacon - Gluten-free version

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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


2 servings

Vanessa Müller

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Gluten free dough250 g
  • Onion1/2 unit(s)
  • Tomato Passata1 cup
  • Bacon100 g
  • Chicken300 g
  • Salt and seasoning to taste
  • Sweet potato1 unit(s)
  1. Chop the bacon and take it to the fire in a pan, when it starts to brown add the chopped onion;
  2. After browning the onion, add the chicken, salt and spices to taste, if necessary add oil of your choice, I used a tablespoon of lard;
  3. After braising well, add the tomato Passata, and book.
  4. Place to cook the pasta, I used a gluten-free option, but use the pasta of your choice; After being cooked, mix in the sauce;
  5. The sweet potato is optional, if you want to make it, I cooked it a little in water, peeled it, cut it into slices and took it to the airfryer at 200 degrees for approximately 15 minutes. It looks perfect 😍

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