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Homemade bread without eggs

Photo of the Homemade bread without eggs – recipe of Homemade bread without eggs on DeliRec
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Homemade bread without eggs


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Tempo de preparo

280 min(s)


3 servings


  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Unleavened wheat1 kg
  • Dry yeast10 g
  • Oil80 ml
  • Milk (warm200 ml
  • Water (warm)350 ml
  • Sugar159 g
  • Salt5 g
  1. In a bowl, mix some of the wheat, yeast, sugar and salt, stir well, add the oil, milk and water, mix well until it comes off your hand.
  2. If necessary, add more wheat, knead well, cover with a cloth and let rest for 1 hour or until the dough doubles in size.
  3. Take the dough and use a rolling pin to roll it into the shape of the bread you want, and place it in a pan greased with oil and wheat, let it rest for another hour.
  4. Heat the heat to 180 degrees for 10 minutes, bake the bread for 40 minutes or until golden, remove from the oven.
  5. If you want, use sugar water to make the bread crust fluffy.

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