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Cheese Bread in the Frying Pan

Photo of the Cheese Bread in the Frying Pan – recipe of Cheese Bread in the Frying Pan on DeliRec
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Cheese Bread in the Frying Pan


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Tempo de preparo

10 min(s)


2 servings

Daniel Fonseca

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Egg1 unit(s)
  • Oil1/4 cup
  • Sweet sprinkle1 cup
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese1/3 cup
  • Milk1/3 cup
  • Salt to taste
  1. Mix the dough well until smooth.
  2. In the skillet heated on low heat, add the dough very slowly.
  3. As soon as the edge is golden, turn and bake the other side.
  4. Serve hot and you can even get creative, serve covering the cheese bread with cottage cheese!

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