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Coxinha with baroa potato dough

Photo of the Coxinha with baroa potato dough – recipe of Coxinha with baroa potato dough on DeliRec
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Coxinha with baroa potato dough


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


25 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Baroa potato500 g
  • Wheat flour250 g
  • Gem1 unit(s)
  • Milk1/2 cup
  • Salt to taste
  • Cooked chicken breast1 cup
  • Cottage cheese3 tablespoon
  • Dehydrated parsley (shallow spoon)1 tablespoon
  1. Cook the potato until it is soft and can be mashed and set aside.
  2. In a pan with low heat and stirring constantly, mix the flour, yolk, milk and salt to taste, stir until cooked and the dough forms a ball, remove from the heat and wait to cool a little.
  3. Finally, add the puree to the dough until you get a dough that is easy to shape. (Add a little flour if necessary) Tip: if you want to leave a little in the fridge to get firmer and make it easier to model.
  4. For the filling, mix the cooked and shredded chicken breast, cottage cheese and parsley.
  5. Now just model the Coxinhas with plenty of stuffing and bread them in the following order: wheat flour, egg (beat the white and the yolk) and breadcrumbs. Then it's just deep-fried until they're golden brown.

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