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volcano bread

Photo of the volcano bread – recipe of volcano bread on DeliRec
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volcano bread


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


1 servings

Dorcas Ferreira

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Hamburger Bread (I used sesame)1 unit(s)
  • Barbecue sausage (I used rolled pepperoni)1 unit(s)
  • Small Red Onion1 unit(s)
  • Margarine1 tablespoon
  • Sugar1 teaspoon
  • Sour cream2 tablespoon
  • Cottage cheese2 tablespoon
  • Roasted garlic to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Mozzarella Cubes5 unit(s)
  • Grated Mozzarella to taste
  • Oregano to taste
  1. Remove the lid of the bread and press the crumb well, forming a hole in the center. Reserve.
  2. Caramelize the onion using margarine and sugar. Reserve.
  3. Remove the skin from the sausage, break it up with a fork and heat it in a frying pan to give it a light fry. Reserve.
  4. Make a cream by mixing the cream cheese, sour cream, roasted garlic and salt to taste.
  5. Mounting: Place the sausage in the opening of the bread, pressing down with a spoon. Place the pieces of mozzarella in the middle of the sausage. Cover with the cream. Add the caramelized onion. Finish with the grated mozzarella and oregano. Bake in the preheated oven for about 15 minutes, or until the mozzarella has melted.

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