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Fresh shrimp broth (heads and shells)

Photo of the Fresh shrimp broth (heads and shells) – recipe of Fresh shrimp broth (heads and shells) on DeliRec
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Fresh shrimp broth (heads and shells)


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


10 servings

Joyce Thais

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Shrimp heads and shells (fresh)500 g
  • onion0 to taste
  • Ripe tomatoes0 to taste
  • garlic0 to taste
  • olive oil0 to taste
  • chili0 to taste
  • chives0 to taste
  • coriander0 to taste
  • Spices and Condiments0 to taste
  • Cornstarch/cassava flour0 to taste
  • Lemon0 to taste
  1. Wash the heads and shells of fresh shrimp with plenty of water and lemon;
  2. Put them in a pan along with the onions, tomatoes, peppers, garlic and olive oil, all seasoned, salt, chives and fresh coriander, spices and condiments to your taste and sauté well;
  3. Boil everything with a little water mixed with cornstarch over low heat;
  4. Grind everything in the blender and, soon after, pass it through a sieve, leaving only the shrimp broth that can be used in different ways, according to your need, taste and occasion.

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