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Photo of the vegan curd – recipe of vegan curd on DeliRec
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vegan curd


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

10 min(s)


8 servings

Receitas Da

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Mashed boiled cassava1/2 cup
  • Raw cashews1 cup
  • Cassava cooking water (added little by little)1/2 cup
  • Sweet olive oil1 tablespoon
  • Apple Cider Vinegar2 teaspoon
  • Salt1 to taste
  1. Soak the chestnuts for about 4 hours in warm water until they are soft;
  2. Cook 100g or more of cassava in the pressure cooker over high heat
  3. When the pressure starts, lower the heat and cook for 15 minutes. Turn off and let the pressure release, the cassava should be very soft
  4. Blend the chestnuts with 1/4 cup of the still hot cooking water in a blender until creamy.
  5. Add the still hot mashed manioc with another 1/4 cup of the hot cooking water, adding it little by little, until it reaches the desired texture, with the other ingredients until it becomes a smooth cream, check the salt and it's ready!

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